"four bored girls decided to have some fun with art and French feminist theory… with homage to Donna Haraway they began to play around with the idea of cyber-feminism… Beginning as if by spontaneous combustion, from a few hot nodes in Europe, America and Australia, cyber-feminism became a viral meme infecting theory, art and the academy".
But it was more than just fun - it had more impact.
The Cyber feminist manifesto for 21st century was integral is instilling manifesto tradition in cyber feminism. And it helped to create cyberfeminism as movement.
4. Cyber feminism is not complete. 5.Cyber feminism is not boring toy for boring toys. 6.Cyber feminism is not a single woman. 7.Cyber feminism is not without connectivity. 8. Cyber feminism has not only one language.
Then what exactly is Cyber feminism ? Cyber feminism
critique at equality in cyberspace be humorous playfully address feminist issues examine technology by engaging with it fun subtly address feminist issues challenge established perceptions of cyber space .
Here important fact is that they did not define the cyber feminism well not in traditional sense, they decided to avoid a rigid defination, instead they decided to create 100 anti theses which included:
1.Cyber feminism is not fragrance. 2.Cyber feminism is not a wound. 3.Cyber feminism has not only one language.
A lot to ask . No? I am simplifying cyber feminism based on art and theory established by cyber feminists: 1. Don't forget feminism in cyber feminism 2.Engage - DIY 3. Hack- don't settle for things as they appear- creative misuse of technology 4. Playfully subvert - Kind of light hearted with a sting 5.Conspire and collaborate