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Why is a relationship with God the only thing that can fill mankind’s void?

Photo by Noah Silliman

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Many people search the ends of the earth to find something to satisfy their loneliness. In Victoria Anderson article “Filling the Void” she asks the question, “How many wasted hours and years do we spend searching after things to fill our voids in our lives [… ]Thus begin the addictions, for we can never fill the void through earthly means”(Anderson 7). This is a cycle so many poeple go through. They search and they search, and they find something but always end up back where they started, empty, alone, and over it all.

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As we sit there in our hopeless dilemma God provides an answer. Victoria Anderson puts in her own words “When I came to earth, I left His presence, and a void was created. I felt the void was placed in my heart for my earthly journey so I would seek Him again. As I seek to know and love my Heavenly Father, the void can be filled” (Anderson 4). She states that as humans we were created to desire God. We were made to be with him, but because of sin we cannot. That is the void we experience. Our bodies crave the Lord. God is the only answer to our unexplainable gaping hole in our hearts. We just have to accept his gift and follow through with our relationship.
Photo by Sven Pieren

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In conclusion Jesus Christ is the missing piece of our heart. He is is the piece of the puzzle that we try so hard to find in other areas. We almost think we find it so many times, but the pieces never match. We were created to be with him, and one day we will be. We get so distracted with the substitutes that we forget about him. We must focus on the Lord and try to put effort in our relationship with him.
Photo by Al-fresco


Photo by Gift Habeshaw