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The water heater

Published on Feb 14, 2017

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the geyser

                                               - by parmitha 

A geyser is used for heating up liquids through the methods of convection and conduction.

the main concept behind this project is the geyser concept. now let's know how the process of convection and conduction happens here.
Photo by Barb Henry

materials required

  • A big container
  • Plywood that fits inside the container
  • Two long nails
  • A tap
  • M seal
  • Plug wire
Photo by basheertome

This geyser contains two iron nails which act like electrodes.

Photo by Muffet

How does it work ??

  • Firstly the cold water is pumped in, through the inlet. It always remains at the bottom as it is denser than the hot water , once you supply the electricity , the two nails made up of iron receive the electric energy and convert it into heat energy.
Photo by gre.ceres

how does it work?

  • The water is heated up through the mode of conduction. The water becomes hot and moves up onto the top of the geyser.

Photo by reXraXon

how does it work ?

  • This is the transfer of mode of convection and the hot water moves out through the outlet.
I am thankful to my parents for their support all through my project.
Photo by chrismar

Electricity and its effect

  • The electric energy is converted into heat energy.
Finally, i would like to conclude by saying that, through this project is
electric energy is converted into heat energy
Photo by Alan Cleaver


Photo by rouge21