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Samantha Ross, 10th block
Photo by Giorgio___

My initial goal was to stop late night snacking to help lose weight and gain more leg and stomach muscle to improve my dancing.

During this two week plan, after dinner I did not eat any type of unhealthy snack. And to keep myself from eating, I worked out once every night before I went to bed. If I was craving a snack I would either have a banana or a clementine to keep a healthy diet.

I dance everyday of the week from 3hrs-5hrs a night besides Friday and Sunday.
Friday and Sunday, I run on my treadmill for an hour a day and I do a series of leg and stomach workouts each night.

Photo by Scott*

I workout either outside if it is a nice day or in my dance room that I have in my house. My cardio of each day consists of dance class and running.

At the end of this experience, I actually have lost about 5 lbs. and I have gotten a lot more leg strength and it helps everything I do in dance.

Photo by Foomandoonian