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Slide Notes

Welcome to Parkside Community Church

We are here today to

1. Worship the Lord

2. Hear form God'w Word

3. Share the survey results

As one person put it

Sing a little
Preach a little
Talk a little

and we will be out in time to beat the church down the road to lunch......


Published on Jul 13, 2019

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to the Spirit's Leadership
Welcome to Parkside Community Church

We are here today to

1. Worship the Lord

2. Hear form God'w Word

3. Share the survey results

As one person put it

Sing a little
Preach a little
Talk a little

and we will be out in time to beat the church down the road to lunch......
Photo by Finn Hackshaw


Share from the bulletin

Mention the info in the bulletin

Mention the upcoming potluck to share next update....


one another
Photo by Richard.Asia


Sally and Sue will be leading us in worship this morning......
Photo by Zac Durant


Pray over the offering......

first fruits of our efforts we give to you O Lord.....

Ask Bonnie to play something

Photo by Maja Petric

Nehemiah 2

Read the whole chapter......
Photo by CaptPiper

You see the trouble we are in? vs. 17

Problem Identified

vs. 17

1. City lies in a smoldering heap 1:3, 2:3-4

2. walls are broken down - he spent some time inspecting the situation, completely leveled, and then what was left of any wood was burned

3. we are ridiculed, object of jeering, people look down on us with contempt vs. 19

4. Nehemiah is working for the very same King who stopped Ezra's rebuilding efforts 13 years earlier


1. Went to prayer Chpt 1

2. Requests permission from his boss for some time off 2:3

3. Request is for a specific period of time 2:6

4. Requests building permits in a sense to gather the materials needed for the construction projects

Photo by Jon Tyson

Process Explained

He heard there was a problem in chapter 1

Secured permission to get to Jerusalem

Assessed the situation - formulates the plan to a large extent before telling anyone vs. 16

Identifies the team vs. 16


Communication system vs. 16

reliable process of telling everyone what needs to be done

People responded - let us rise up and build vs. 18

strengthened themselves for the coming work vs. 18

Photo by Kelly Sikkema


Prepare for them
These guys were displeased - 2:10

But......others were not as excited about the new building project.....vs. 2:10

But.....vs. 19

public humiliation - jeering

Questioning your goals

Starting nasty rumors

Restructuring Team

to be seated

Q and A

Let's Pray

Then sing He Leadeth Me as our closing song


Untitled Slide

Michael Cadrette

Haiku Deck Pro User