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Genetically Modified Food

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Today I will be talking about genetically modified foods.

Photo by smith_cl9

"Genetically modified foods are foods that are created through slicing genes in a process called genetic engineering" ("What are GMOs").

Photo by jemasmith

Unlike hybridization or cross breeding, according to "GMO Education", genetic engineering takes DNA out of a species and forces it into another unrelated species.

Photo by Hindrik S

This makes it unlike regular foods which inherit their traits and highly unpredictable as to the long term effects.

Photo by NYC Guy

According to "GMO Education", 88% of corn and 95% of sugar beets are genetically modified foods.

Photo by Kay Gaensler

The following graphs show the amount of corn and sugar beets that contain GMOs.

Photo by zeal tv



Some of the main concerns I have with genetically modified foods are due to my research on this topic.

Photo by Paco CT

According to "GMO: Harmful Effects of the Agent", some allergenic plant genes could be transferred to non allergenic plants.

The same article also states that the plants could also have a decreased nutritional value by inserting a gene that may decrease the mineral nutrition value.

This leads me to believe that more testing is needed before genetically modified foods are introduced to the public.

Photo by xavi talleda

According to the article "Ways the FDA Has Failed Consumers", genetically engineered foods have never been safety tested by the FDA.

The article also states that a 20-year-old policy says that it’s up to the biotech companies to determine the safety of genetically engineered foods.

Photo by pennstatenews

It also says that "the FDA has rejected labeling under the argument that GE foods are “substantially equivalent” to their non-genetically engineered counterparts".

Photo by hetan_hunt13

"More than 60 countries already label genetically engineered (GE) foods, including all of Europe, Australia, Japan, China and Russia. The U.S and Canada still refuses to label" ("Ways the FDA Has Failed Consumers").

Photo by Seryo

The best way to keep from eating genetically modified foods is to read the label. If the bar code is five digits and starts with an eight, it is genetically modified.

Photo by ryoki

I hope that the next time you go shopping, you will be able to find if your foods are organic or genetically modified.

The End

Photo by melstampz

Works Cited
“GMO Education.” Institute For Responsible Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2015. .
“GMO: Harmful Effects of the Agent.” ENHS. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2015. .
“Ways the FDA Has Failed Consumers.” Organic Consumers. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2015. .
“What Are GMOs?” GMO Awareness. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2015. .

Photo by melstampz