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Je - sus climbed the hill to the gar - den still. His steps were hea - vy and slow.

Photo by John Clift

Love and a prayer took Him there To the place
on - ly He could go.

HUI (Ladies)
Geth - se - ma - ne.
Je - sus loves me.
So He went will - ing - ly
To Geth - se - ma - ne.

Photo by Stacey Franco

He felt all that was sad, wick - ed or bad, All the pain we would ev - er know

While His friends were
a - sleep He fought to keep His pro - mise made long
a - go.

Photo by Ryan Hutton

HUI (Men)
Geth - se - ma - ne.
Je - sus loves me.
So He went will - ing - ly
To Geth - se - ma - ne.

Photo by Stacey Franco

The hard - est thing that
e - ver was done,
The great - est pain that
e - ver was known,

Photo by sdalry

The big - gest batt - le that
e - ver was won,
This was done by Je - sus!
The fight was won by
Je - sus!

Photo by Sean MacEntee

HUI (All)
Geth - se - ma - ne.
Je - sus loves me.
So He gave His gift to me
In Geth - se - ma - ne.

Photo by Stacey Franco

HUI (All)
Geth - se - ma - ne.
Je - sus loves me.
So He gives His gift to me
From Geth - se - ma - ne.

Photo by Stacey Franco