Circumstances 2) definition :: - situation 3) As a circumstance of running too fast, the player got hurt. Commit 2definition::: to promise to do something 3 I commit to clean my room. Consequence Definition ::: the result of something you did 3 ::; I hit the my friend and the consequence was I had to clean my room. Contact Definition :::: to reach out to someone. I contact my friend by calling him on the phone. Empathy Definition:;; understand someone else's feeling. 3::::: I have empathy for my friend when he was sick. Juvenile Definition:: A young person. 3:::: The 20 year old showed juvenile behavior when he asked too many. Maturity Definition::: responsible for something 3::: I show maturity by doing my homework. Formula Definition :::: something you use to solve an equation. My teacher uses a formula in my math class. Evident/::: Definition;;;; something true and obvious. 3::: It's evident that it is raining outside. Concept Definition idea 3:::Johny concept was. Video game. Consist Definition ::: made out of 3 :::: My pencil consist of wood and lead.