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constructivist listening & face to face affirming


comfort with silence, actively listen, reinforce confidentiality, body language awareness
Photo by khalid Albaih

what usually happens:

we'll demonstrate. tell us what you think!
Photo by Bobolink

a juicy face.

eyes. distance. stance. ears. clear mind.

silence is sometimes the best answer.

(-Dali Lama) Resist the urge to fill the silence or ask a question/or relate. We will demonstrate! !

let's try this.

define home. 2 min each. rabbit & big mouth frog.

easy peasy, right?

  • What was it like to be listened to?
  • What was it like to really listen without chiming in?
  • Did anyone run out of things to say? Did you sit in silence?
  • What did you do when your mind wandered?

let's try this. longer

who are you? 6 min each. rabbit & big mouth frog.

easy peasy, right?

  • How was this different?
  • What was it like to listen for so long with out talking?
  • What was it like to sit in silence?
  • Was it easier to check yourself when your mind wandered?

closing insights?

this takes lots of practice, so do that with each other throughout training!