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Slide Notes

The second in our three part series on relationships.....

Last week we talked about a life that connects with God

Act justly

Love mercy

Walk humbly

Today we focus on how to connect with o ne another...through love

God's Love

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Providing a pciture of God's Love


God's Love

The second in our three part series on relationships.....

Last week we talked about a life that connects with God

Act justly

Love mercy

Walk humbly

Today we focus on how to connect with o ne another...through love

So moved with compassion, you are compelled to act for someone else at great expense to yourself

This definition is helpful, but an example to follow is of even greater help


Use God's definition of Love....Jesus
Photo by KCIvey


  • Love comes from God
  • Love is an expression of God's family
  • Love is found in the knowledge of God
  • Love .....IS.....
Love comes from God - literally the preposition out of

Expression of God's family - beloved - thsoe who are loved, by God, and by each other

If you don't know how to love - brush up on your understanding of God

God is love - his very existence is an expression of love, his being, "personality" is love.

I tis impossible to know God and not be a loving person
Photo by KCIvey


He is the defintion of LOVE
God sent -

word for apostle, someone sent in the name and authority of someone else

sent to declare the message of the one who sent Him

sent in perfect tense - past action that still effects us today vs. 9

10 - aorist - there was this moment when the time was just right - and Jesus was sent......

14 - seen pf tense - to behold, view something of ahigher reality - seeing an important concept come to pass


Paint a Picture of God's Love


  • Love is visible and purposeful vs. 9
  • So that we might live vs. 9 
  • So that our sins would be atoned for vs. 10 
  • So that God would be seen through us vs. 12
  • So that the World would be saved vs. 14 
Visible - two words for see in the passage

1. to make visible that which was invisible - vs. 9

and purposeful - so that......

1. sins atoned for - word for transgression, stepping over th eline, missing the target, sometimes translated "waste"

2. We can become the ful lexpression of God's love - to use the NLT translation


From plan......
Photo by marylea


To Action........
Since God love dus, we ought to love one another.....

ought - we have an debt, an obligation to treat others the way God treats us

God's love is in us because of the Holy Spirit's persence - Romans 5 reminds us of that as well


- to what we hav eseen pf tense

- The Father sent - pf tense -

These events are designed to have lastin impact on our lives

Love in action

  • We are beloved of God vs. 7,10,11
  • We love one another vs. 7,11
  • We provide a God "to see" vs. 12 
  • We complete God's love vs. 12
  • We rely on God's love vs. 16
Beloved - 7, 10, 11

Love one another 7,11

Provide a picture vs. 12, 14, 16

We fulfill God's love, bring it to completion when we share it with others

We trust - transfer control of life from ourselves into God's hands.......pf tense

God's Love

  • Definition - Scripture
  • Illustration - Jesus
  • Application - Action

Let US Love One Another

Michael Cadrette

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