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Strategies To Promote Oral Reproduction

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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"Comprehension comes before the ability to produce language"

Stephen krashen referred to this time as "the silent period", also known as pre production, this silent period might last anywhere from several weeks to a year. During this period, instructors must provide their students in diverse language experiences and provide cues to support comprehension.

The question is, how does interaction look in a classroom in which students are in their silent periods, unable to produce language?

Photo by black vanilla

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  • Ussing common social greetings.
  • Discussing current events or topics of interests.
  • Expressing opinion
  • Explaining why they did something
Photo by Connor Tarter

I am proposing as step 1, to have a 20 to 30 minutes of "oral expression class" in which the teachers will model and instruct students how to verbalize their thoughts and ideas.

Photo by gibsonsgolfer

Step 2

  • Incorporate english vocabulary in speaking, using the same material that comes in the books:
  • Wathing short videos on art, music, science or other relevant themes.
  • Reciting rhymes, songs, poetry, tongue twisters, jokes,
  • Playing games such as charades that pair an action or gesture with a vocabulary word.
Photo by superkimbo

Step 3

  • Incorporating english pronunciation in speaking:
  • Use all of the amco audios so students have contact with native english speakers.
  • Clap out syllable in longer words.
  • Repeat, repeat, repeat with students new words and vocabulary definitions until they get familiar with them.
Photo by zinjixmaggir

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Photo by vernhart


  • To teach "speaking" through activities that promotes speaking in english
Photo by tatadbb