Spring Benefit Changes 2016
PRESENTATION OUTLINESpring Benefit Changes 2016 CHANGES Amendments to working-age HB backdating rules
Abolition of Family Premium in HB and Pensioner CTR
Changes to temporary absence rules
Changes to the BHCC CTR scheme
OTHER CHANGES National Living Wage Right to Rent BACKDATING From 1st April 2016, the maximum period of backdating of a working-age HB claim is reduced to one month maximum The ͞good cause͟ requirement is unchanged.
POINTS TO CONSIDER Previous entitlement Passport benefits Defective claims CTR backdating rules unchanged - still 6 months maximum ABOLITION OF FAMILY PREMIUM Abolished for new claims from 1st May 2016 Not available for new child responsibilities after 30th April Transitional protection FP continues for working-age CTR TEMPORARY ABSENCE Absence outside GB generally limited to 4 weeks Some exceptions Transitional rules for absences already started COUNCIL TAX REDUCTION 2016 Minimum contribution 20% Transitional protection Family premium retained for working-age Haiku Deck Pro User