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Andre-Marie Ampere

Published on Oct 24, 2016

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Andre-Marie Ampere

By:Mia Gremillion

Basics on Ampere

  • Ampere, was born January 22, 1775 in Lyon,France and passed June 10th ,1836.

Family Life

  • Ampere was born into a wealthy bourgeois family during the height of the French Enlightenment.
  • His father was Jean-Jaques Ampere , a successful merchant and an admirer of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
  • His mother was a devout woman , so along with enlightenment science Ampere was initiated into the catholic faith.
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Early childhood

  • Andre never went to regular school In his adolescent years , due to his fathers strong belief in Jean-Jacques philosophy that men should learn from nature. Instead Andre stayed in his fathers library and that's where he obtained most of his knowledge.
  • Andre became very curious and thirsty for knowledge . His father encouraged his intellectual pursuits and obtained sspecialized books on subjects for him. Also, because Andre was so in love with mathematics his father arranged for him to get formal lessons in Calculus from Abbot Daburon.

Early Childhood Continued

  • Unfortunanlty , Jean-Jaques was called into public service by the new revolutionary government after the French revolution erupted.
  • Afew years later on November 24, 1793 Jean-Jaques was guillotined for resisting new political tides of Jacobin.
Photo by Gary Denness

What did Amperes Contribute to our knowledge of science

  • The Science of electrodynamics later known as electromagnetism which is a magnetic field that is produced by a current of electricit.
  • The Inkt used for measuring electric currents is named the Ampere, after him.

Challenges Ampere Faced

  • Probably just the human understanding of the electromaneticism.
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How did society see Amperes Work ?

  • Without his work we wouldn't have the understanding of electricity that we have today.
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Current applications of Amperes Work:

  • There are currently no applications of amperes work.
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  • Something that interested me about ampere was how smart he was and how he learned. He didn't need to go to school to become a genius.
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