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Disability Outreach Project

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Best Buddies
I had the great opportunuty to be apart of the club, Best Buddies. It truely has been the most amazing experience I have been apart of. I went to the Best Buddies halloween party with my buddy, Luke. He doesn't like costumes but he had really cool lights on his wheelchair and I dressed up like scooby doo. We played games like bowling, the donut on the string game, we took pictures at the photo booth, and ate some sugary cookies. This event not only showed me that Luke is not labeled by his disability but that also applies to everyone with disabilities. I saw my peer buddy, Nick, win the entire costume contest and he showed off his great dance moves. You would not expect what these special kids are capable of.

Going to this party showed me that these special kids are not defined by their disabilty. They can do things no one expects them to do. They put a smile on everyones face. They can do things like you and me. Everyone their was smiling and having the best time. This party showed me that children that have a disability are not that different from me and you. They like to have fun. They like to dance, sing, eat sugary cookies, and play games. This was a night I will always remember because of all the smiles it brought me.

Photo by Kapungo

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