UMOM's mission is to "prevent and end homelessness with innovative strategies and housing solutions that meet the unique needs of each family and individual."
"Mission & Vision." UMOM New Day Centers. UMOM, n.d. Web. 05 May 2016.
when put in a public place, they can help keep you on track.
visual motivation
Ellerton, Sharon, Cristina Di Meo, Josephine Pantaleo, Arlene Kemmerer, Mary Bandzuikas, and Michael Bradley. "Academic Service Learning Benefits Diverse, Urban Community College Students." Journal for Civic Commitment 23 (2015): 1-14. Web. 5 May 2015.
Ellerton, Sharon, Cristina Di Meo, Josephine Pantaleo, Arlene Kemmerer, Mary Bandzuikas, and Michael Bradley. "Academic Service Learning Benefits Diverse, Urban Community College Students." Journal for Civic Commitment 23 (2015): 1-14. Web. 5 May 2015.
Astin, A. W., Vogelgesang, L. J., Ikeda, E. K., & Yee, J. A. (2000). How service learning affects students. Los Angeles, CA: Higher Education Research Institute, University of California.