AIR POLISHING is a procedure which uses air and water pressure to deliver a controlled stream of specially processed powders in a slurry through the handpiece nozzle. Fine particles of powders are propelled by compressed air in a warm spray and directed onto the surfaces of the teeth.
This pressurized jet of air, water and powder removes surface stains, plaque and other soft deposits such as food particles trapped in between the teeth.
But, AIR FLOW Therapy is not your typical air polishing treatment.
it is an advanced biofilm management system that is uniquely equipped to reach and remove biofilm on even the most difficult and delicate surfaces where rubber cups have limited access or hand and power scaling would take too long — crowded teeth, subgingival
Using a mixture of air, water and low abrasive powders, AIR-FLOW Therapy is gentle, safe and comfortable for patients, and simple, efficient and effective for clinicians.
In addition to polishing, AIR-FLOW will support your treatment plans for each patient whether they are standard check-ups or more advanced perio or specialty cases
Multiple studies have found that hand instrumentation of subgingival biofilm removal in deep pockets can take between 30-64 seconds, air polishing with glycine powder has been found to take only 5 seconds per site.
Air FLow saves an average of 8–12 minutes per patient. When using AIR-FLOW prior to scaling, clinicians will save time not only on biofilm removal, but also on calculus removal since scaling can focus on hard deposit detection and removal alone.
AIR-FLOW Therapy offers complete biofilm removal and can be used on every patient. Since it is safe to use on surfaces where biofilm accumulation can be dangerous, primarily subgingivally and on implants, AIR-FLOW Therapy aids in the reduction of inflammation and the prevention of related diseases ranging from gingivitis to periodontitis/peri-implantitis.
Clinicians receive positive feedback from their patients who have experienced AIR-FLOW Therapy. Incorporating this advanced, fast and comfortable technology into practice
will encourage even patients with the most complex perio-maintenance regimen to return regularly.
With the 8–12 minutes per patient saved, the clinician is now able to do something extra during every appointment that they may not have had time for previously. There is now opportunity to explain and sell billable services such as whitening, clear aligners, sealants, etc., or even update charting to ensure patient treatment plans are as up-to-date as possible.