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Low Risk Chest Pain

Published on Jan 18, 2017

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Low Risk Chest Pain

Sumir Shah
Photo by Food Thinkers

CP Differentials...that will kill you

  • PE
  • Esophageal Rupture
  • Tension Pneumothoarax
  • MI
  • Aortic Dissection
  • Cardiac Tamponade
Photo by Niklas


  • Of those with CP 7% will have EKG changes and 6-10% will have troponin changes. 5-15% have ACS.
  • Low risk = patients who have "chest pain" or ischemic symptoms but no evidence of ACI or infarction— no characteristic ECG changes and normal levels of cardiac markers
  • only 4% discharged!

CP features

  • Lowest: include pleuritic, positional, reproducible, sharp/stabbing pain, pain that is not exertional.
  • Higher: radiation to RIGHT arm/shoulder > BOTH arms/shoulders >> LEFT arm
  • 18% to 45% of ACS patients have relief of pain with antacids...
Photo by intropin

Untitled Slide

  • EKG
  • Recent cardiac cath reports are useful because a truly negative result is associated with a very low incidence of subsequent infarction or ACS in the next 2 years.
  • Recent negative evaluation for ACS that included stress testing have a 6-month incidence of ACS as high as 14%...


  • Admit vs D/C
  • Decision Tools
Photo by MSVG


  • The study was created in the Netherlands, validated by Wake Forest University, and subsequently prospectively validated in the Netherlands again
  • Composed of 5 components: history, ECG, age, risk factors, and a single current generation troponin at arrival.