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Photo by mdf3530

Michael Jordan is known by many as one of the greatest NBA players of all time. Jordan has achieved to be a six time NBA champion, five time NBA MVP, and two time Olympic Gold medalist in Basketball. Michael Jordan seemed to have what every basketball player could ever wish for, but not many people know what problems this legend had to face.

Photo by cliff1066™

Many people would think Jordan was born with a rare talent. But in reality, Jordan didn't grow up being the most favorited player in basketball. His older brother, Larry Jordan, was considered the star athlete of the family. Once Jordan reached high school, many of the coaches knew him as "Larry's brother" ("Michael Jordan"). When Jordan tried out for the basketball team, Jordan wasn't even the minimal required height to play in the team. This was a major factor to why Jordan didn't make the high school basketball team. His coach commented saying it would be better if he played with the university junior team group for a year to get more training time ("Michael Jordan").

Photo by HckySo

Jordan didn't let his disappointment get to his head, instead, Jordan felt more determined to prove his coach wrong. Michael’s sport instructor, Ruby Sutton, noticed how Jordan didn't give up : “Usually I arrive at school between 07:00 am and 07:30 am. Michael was there before me. Each time I came in and opened the door, I heard the sound of ball bouncing, in autumn, in winter, in summer. Almost every morning I had to ask him to leave the court” ("Michael Jordan Suceeded Because He Failed"). After weeks of dedicated practice, Jordan caught many people's attention in his school including the basketball varsity coach. Jordan finally made varsity and was on the road to become much more than he thought.

Photo by StuSeeger

Jordan showed an amazing example of grit in his high school career by not letting his coach's decision make him give up, but to want to prove him wrong. Not many would have gone as far, in terms of grit, as Jordan did with hard work intensity and putting in as much time as he did. Jordan went on to prove his coach wrong and ended up being recruited to play for University of North Carolina, and then dropped out his senior year to play for the Chicago Bulls. It all started by failure. "Everyone may fail. But I don’t want to say that I don’t try”("Micheal Jordan").

Photo by cliff1066™

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Photo by andrechinn

Steve Jobs is known world wide as the founder and innovator of Apple. Jobs Created many revolutionary products, including the iPod, iPhone and iPad; now seen as dictating the evolution of modern technology. Steve Jobs died in the year 2011 after fighting pancreatic cancer. But how did Steve Jobs manage to be an important icon to modern society without letting his illness bring him down?

Photo by anieto2k

Steve Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the year 2003. Jobs chose to alter his pesco-vegetarian diet while weighing Eastern treatment options. For nine months, Jobs postponed surgery ("Steve Jobs Bio"). After a year, Steve Jobs had surgery. Steve jobs didn't let any obstacle, not even cancer, stop him from making Apple a better company. Soon, in 2005, Steve Jobs helped Apple expand the iPod line with the small Nano and an iPod that can play video("Steve Jobs: Timeline"). In 2007 Steve jobs makes Apple release its first iPhone. Crowds camped overnight at stores wanting to be one of the first to own the Iphone. Throughout the the years, Steve kept improving the company, creating new IOS software updates, newer generations of IPhones, IMac, IPods, iPads, etc.

Photo by dan taylor

Sadly, Jobs continued to have weight loss problems causing him to announce he would be on medical leave. He went to get a liver transplant in 2009. Steve Jobs ended up having to go on a second medical leave in 2011, but later that year, Apple announced his death without specific details ("Steve Jobs: Timeline").

Steve Jobs showed he had grit by persevering in his job, in his company, and even when he had cancer. Not many people would be physically stable, or even mentally stable to not let their health get in the way of their career. Steve Jobs said, "Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important"("Steve Jobs Quotes"). Steve Jobs fought until the end, making him such an important person world wide and a man who had grit.

Photo by tenz1225

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