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Who Commits Crime?

Published on Mar 08, 2018

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Who Commits Crime?

Surita Phetsavanh
Photo by freefotouk

The Article...

  • Spoke about whether society was prejudiced when it came to men committing crime
  • But with involving sociology, we in society raise females to be gentle and nurturing and males to be assertive and aggresive
  • Not only genders but age also plays a factor in committing crime because it tells about the older you get then the more you become inclined to settle down in life.


  • There are issues with income as many lower income neighborhoods apparently intimidate people as statistics say that the sociology behind this is when one is afraid to roll up in a low income neighbor hood.
  • Poverty comes in when some say the homeless commit crimes in order to gain but this is not the case
  • Many wealthy people are also more likely to commit white collar crimes than those who are poor.
Photo by Werner Kunz


  • African Americans amount for most of the American population. News outlets report crimes that are usually outed by them as well but this is not always the case.
  • Stereotypes also play a role in labeling other ethnicities as common criminals that we see in our society
Photo by Pug50


  • If we say that males commit more crime than females, does that imply that we are prejudiced against males? Why or why not? There were statistics in the article that showed crimes committed between both genders but as well as sociology involved in the reason why males commit more crimes than females so it does not imply that we are prejudiced.
  • Write a short response that outlines social class and racial/ethnic differences in street crime and explains the reasons for these differences. Social classes and racial differences are more likely to show up much more on media outlets concerning crimes and that is because of differences or appearance. Lower income neighborhoods that face upcoming poverty can make someone afraid of coming in and actually parking their car in that neighborhood because their belongings or the vehicle itself can be stolen. As for different races, that could come along with stereotypes and racism itself when presented with crimes.