This population chart shows the number of people at each age in Fiji. There is a balanced number of men and women. There is more men than women in most of the ages. Men probably rule Fiji. There are very few people are over the age 100 and between the ages 90-99.
This map of Fiji show what is off the coast and what is between the islands. There are two reefs off the coasts of Fiji. The Great Barrier Reef and The Great Sea Reef. There are many islands that make up Fiji. There are two bodies of water near Fiji the Pacific Ocean and the Koro Sea. Most major cities are on or close to the coast and water.
Central Intelligence Agency
Fiji has a republic government. Their official name is the Republic of Fiji. They have two official languages English and Fijian. They gained independence from the United Kingdom on October 10th 1970. Their national anthem in "God Bless Fiji".
Weather in Fiji is very wet. They get a lot of rain in some parts because it is in the ocean. Their summers have less rain than the other months. The temperature is also colder from May to September. May to September is Fiji's winter
Fiji has many resorts. It is also a tourist attraction and attracts many people to its beaches. The beaches there are the perfect get away from the cold in December. Resorts there vary in prices. They range from $12 to $1270.