People/groups travel from place to place for several different reasons, one of the main reasons being migration for economic opportunities. Higher paying job opportunities in one’s specialized field are a major pull factor. Thomas Cook’s contributions regarding the tourism industry include the concept of sustainable tourism. This involves making a positive impact on the people and environments that we travel to. Tourism has a major impact on the culture of the countries that they are visiting and the visitors themselves. Traveling around the world exposes travelers to new culture around the world and helps them appreciate other cultures.
NGO's focus on helping victims of natural disasters and countries at war, by giving them food, water, and medical supplies. The Red Cross helps people who are less fortunate with medical needs. They also help in disastrous situations globally. The First Geneva Convention of 1864 laid out the rules for the treatment of the wounded and the protection of medical personnel and hospitals.
The Principal purpose of the United Nations was to provide a central organization that regulates international relations regarding economics, politics, and military. The United Nations has a few countries that have supreme veto power such as the United States, China, and Russia. The U.N. security council regulates military and economics.