The Best Joints in Town

Published on May 22, 2024

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The Best Joints in Town

Understand aging and doing it well
Photo by liverpoolhls

Helen Anderson

Photo by timefornurses


  • Osteo - bone
  • arthr - joint
  • itis - inflammation


  • slippery tissue
  • covers end of bones
  • shock absorber
  • stiffens with age

joint disorders

causing pain and reduced movement


  • wear and tear
  • cartilage wears down
  • like other tissues, cartilage gets stiffer w/ age
  • genetics - abnormal bones
  • genetics - weaker cartilage
  • base of thumb joint

OA in hands - Heberden's Nodes

  • Bony growths on the finger joints of people with osteoarthritis (OA). Affect joints nearest the fingertips and can cause pain, stiffness, and discomfort. Degradation of cartilage leads to direct bone contact and subsequent bone formation. Causes fingers to become deformed and results in loss of movement.
Photo by MyArthritis

Joint Pain

  • bones or surrounding tissue?
  • comes and goes?
  • which joints?
Photo by Brandon Heyer

Joint Stiffness

  • in the morning - lack of movement overnight causes joints to tighten
  • muscles also feel stiff
Photo by Jim_Nix


  • pain
  • swelling
  • redness
  • starts in big toes
  • crystals accumulate in the joints
  • type of arthritis
  • "Disease of Kings"

Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • auto immune disease
  • targets tissue lining in joints
  • usually hands and feet
  • women > men
  • 30-60 common range
Photo by alpha_photo


what actually works?


  • glucosamine, chondroitin
  • collagen
  • fish oil
  • tumeric
  • limited evidence for all
  • check with doctor
Photo by Leohoho

Topical pain relief

  • Voltarin gel - reduces inflammation
  • Capsaicin cream - chili peppers
  • Menthol cream - numbs the area
Photo by raphaelstrada

Oral Medications

  • Tylenol/Ibuprofen - mild to moderate pain
  • Opioids - moderate to severe pain.
  • Arthritis accounts for 50% of opioid doses

Joint replacements

  • damaged joint replaced with artificial
  • metal, plastic or ceramic
  • hip and knee most common
  • 90% good outcomes
  • 2 in 100 have complications like blood clots

be proactive

maintain health instead of recovering

Joint Health Tips

  • healthy wt - hips & knees
  • exercise and stretch muscles
  • strong muscles around joints provide support
  • water lubricates joints - stay hydrated
Photo by Lucaxx Freire

any questions?

thank you!
Photo by djking

Helen Anderson

Haiku Deck Pro User