This article covers information on teen pregnancy and facts about it. It covers the problems that come with teen pregnancy, as well as their rates. Facts stated include ones like: There were over a quarter million babies born to women ages 15-19 in 2013.
"Scared because I didn't know what I was going to do, what my parents were going to think, and how things were going to be... I was w little excited"
"My boyfriend... was happy and excited"
"My friends didn't believe it at all. I was the last person anyone would've thought to get pregnant... My parents were mad, but my mom... wasn't going to let it come in between us and everyone else just accepted it and became exited as time went on"
"At first, I couldn't get my hands on a test because I was 15 and broke... I was scared the first day I had morning sickness... I didn't cry at first. I was just scared."
"He didn't really say much at the time besides that I had to tell my mom."
"My mom figured it out when I threw up that morning. Overall, they were supportive and said it's my choice with what I want to do"
"I didn't really tell people at first. Rumors went around and at that point, I posted a YouTube video to clear them up."
"At one point, I was thinking of keeping it. Then another, I was thinking of abortion. Then, adoption, and I continued cycling through all the options. I ended up putting him up for adoption, even thought I was originally going to keep him."
"I don't necessarily regret having him or anything, but I do wish I had waited longer."
"My boyfriend that got me pregnant is no longer a part in my life anymore. I have lost and gained many friends since then."
"I'm still very much involved in my son's life and things would just seem so different without him."
"Since he is with a different family and not with me, I do go to school and I do work."
"If I had waited, I would've kept him. Unfortunately, I was too young at the time to take up that big of a responsibility with no support from the father, so I had to do what I had to do."
"Issac has gotten sick so many times and he's even sick right now! Also, it's hard when we are trying to help him be more sociable. He isn't too big on being with a lot of people."
"I would shun away a lot of my favorite foods while pregnant. Also, I had a lot of back pain."
"I would advise not having sex until marriage or until you are ready to have a kid. Or if anything, use protection. Girls, get on the pill. Boys, use condoms."
"I'm not sure if I'd be as excited as I am now, if it was earlier! I mean, I'd be excited, but it's just different when you've waited so longer for this moment."
"Not applicable."
"I'm only on my 2nd trimester, but the worse was the morning sickness."
"Don't have unprotected sex unless you are ready to have a child."
Compared to my single day with my baby: I feel like since it was an "easy" day, I wasn't able to experience how often the baby actually cried. Also, I feel like in real life, there are no easy, medium, or hard days, nor are there easy ways to disguise what he/she wants. They kind of just happen! But I do feel like it's realistic when it comes to how spontaneous the timing is and when it comes to basic cares.
I chose to switch to the alternative assignment due to personal reasons surrounding emotional stability.