Professional Development Program

Published on Dec 08, 2022

No Description


Professional Development Program

Manitoba Hydro
Photo by Alex Conrath


  • Desired Outcomes
  • Observe, Learn, Build Relationships
  • Program Planning
  • Assessment & Evaluation
Photo by slworking2

My Role

  • Develop leadership amongst staff Create healthy & safe environment Improve leader efficacy Improve learner outcomes
Photo by Jess Bailey

My philosophy

  • Educators need to form meaningful, rich relationships with learners and stakeholders
  • Respect, encouragement, and autonomy are integral
  • Safe learning spaces are critical
  • Well planned programs with clear outcomes, feedback, collaboration and assessment are key

Desired Outcomes

corporate goals

corporate Goals

  • Build on current skill set of our leaders
  • Identify high performers
  • Create strong leaders
  • Empower them with passion to inspire and lead others
Photo by Jill Heyer


  • Increase performance & self efficacy
  • Positivity and inclusivity
  • Meet the diverse needs of all employees
  • Increase attraction, retention and development opportunities
Photo by Jill Heyer

"Exceptional leaders are the ones who stand up for their people and support them when they are experiencing their most challenging moments. They also encourage an push their people to take on bigger challenges"

Leardership First

Building a learning environment

Build, Learn, connect


  • Observe, learn, build relationships
  • Align leadership development program to MB Hydro's future objectives
  • Meet with all stakeholders to determine needs, barriers, challenges, dynamics
  • Complete a staff engagement survey & a culture assessment
  • Compile data based on feedback.
Photo by Diego PH

"The best leaders are passionate about developing emerging LEADERS, because true leaders don't create more followers, they create more Leaders."

Leadership First

Leadership First

Photo by NicoTrinkhaus

Program Development

Steps to build a leadership program

effective programming

  • As a team, create and identify MB Hydro's Learning Philosophy
  • Begin building the program based on the needs identified
  • Design highly collaborative lessons & units using High Impact Teaching strategies
  • Include day-to-day learning, short term modules & long-term goals in order to meet all outcomes
Photo by Neal.


  • Identify the need for differentiated instruction (different levels of employment, dyslexia, hearing impairment, EAL)
  • Address need for both in person and virtual training.
  • Program could be delivered in French
Photo by Sam Schooler

Thank you

Heather pollok 

Assessment & Evaluation

Photo by Loic Leray

Heather Pollok

Haiku Deck Pro User