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Published on Dec 02, 2015

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Photo by Eric Kilby


"The ankle sent tiny electric shocks up to mikes shin as he trotted back to center field" (Robert Lipsyte 4).

Mike is trying to impress the coach, but he is in pain from his bad ankle. He doesn't feel 100 percent.
Man vs self
Photo by agaudin


"Mike had a bad feeling that keeping his eyes on it and never quitting wasn't going to be enough"

Mike is starting to worry if the new kid will take his position at centerfield. The new kid Oscar looks like he could be a professional baseball player. Mike knows he's not as good as Oscar.

Man vs man
Photo by srsphoto


"When he called him a dumb jock I lost it" (Lipsyte 28.)

Man vs society

Everyone in the school who doesn't play a sport thinks mike is a dumb jock. He is getting judged from people who don't know him.
Photo by Knight725


"He wanted to talk to her but not around Andy" (Lipsyte 152.)

Man vs society

Mike had feelings for this girl that is nothing like him. She is apart of the cyber club. The whole baseball team hates the cyber club, so if the team finds out that mike likes a girl from the cyber club they might not respect mike anymore.


"I didn't rat them out!" (Lipsyte 178.)
Man vs society

Mike's enemies have been the cyber club but he is soon starting to become friends with some of them. The reason why mike is the captain of the baseball team is because the cyber club got shut down and the whole team thinks it was mike that ratted them out.
Photo by TempusVolat


"When he called him a dumb jock I lost it" (Lipsyte 28.)

Man vs society

Everyone in the school that is not on a sports team, they all think mike is a dumb jock. He is getting looked at differently just because he plays a sport.
Photo by Knight725


"He wanted to talk to her but not around Andy" (Lipsyte 152).

Man vs society

Mike had feelings for this girl that is nothing like him. She is in the cyber club. None of Mike's friends like her so he can't tell anyone he likes her.


"I didn't rat them out" (Lipsyte 178).
Man vs man

Mike's enemies have been the cyber club through out the book. Mike becomes captain of the baseball team because the whole team thinks he made the cyber club shut down. Now kat ( the girl mike likes) is upset with him. He wants to be captain but he doesn't want to loose kat.
Photo by TempusVolat


"You know the busconess ripped him off" (Lipsyte 215).

Man vs society

Oscar just wants to play baseball. He came to the United States because the Oakland As shut him down. He needed to be scouted my a new team. It is hard for him because he is a immigrant and he can't let the school know.

Untitled Slide

"He lied on his résumé to get this job" (Lipsyte 238).

Man vs man

The coach that mike loved was not the person mike thought he was. Coach Cody was a criminal, not a veteran war hero. Mike is finally going to be able to catch a criminal like he's always wanted to. Now one of mikes role models is just another stranger on his life.