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Peace & Social Change

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Peace & Social Change

Mr. Kairi-Freire Charter High School

Who am I?

Photo by somegeekintn


My Goals as an Educator

  • Create a safe environment for seniors to realize and or pursue their passion and vision for self
  • Incubate healthy mental health practices
  • Arm seniors with the personal, professional, mental and emotional skills necessary to survive beyond FCHS
  • Offer seniors a platform for self expression
  • Expose seniors to their boundless potential
  • Create agents for positive social change
  • Graduate confident and competent young adults this June

What will we be studying?

  • Psychology
  • African and African American History
  • Local History
  • Analyzing spirituality and religions across the globe
  • College writing and composition
  • Politics and Economics (theory and history)
Photo by Amir Kuckovic

How will students be graded?

  • Students will be graded based on effort and mastery (30/70).
  • Challenges and community service will make up students' effort grade.
  • Evaluations and endeavors will make up students' mastery grade.
  • Challenges, evaluations and endeavors will be marked on a college point scale system.
Photo by ninniane


  • There is an oral and written component to the senior project
  • Students will be required to write 7-11 pages using MLA formatting
  • Severe cases of plagiarism will result in a failing grade
  •  All skills necessary to complete the project will be taught by Mr. Kai
  • Senior Project operates on a pass/fail basis
Photo by ShuttrKing|KT

Resources Available to Seniors

  • Google Hangout (Video Conference)
  • Senior Project Conferences(In or outside of school)
  • Two local libraries
  • Writing Center
  • Family and friends
Photo by Tobias Hüske