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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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by Kylee Howell
Photo by Will Montague

fun facts

  • Frankfort is the capitol of Kentucky.
  • The largest city in Kentucky is Louisville.
  • Kentucky is called the Bluegrass state. 
  • Their motto is " United we stand divided we fall."
  • Their state song is "My Old Kentucky Home."
Photo by Will Montague

Kentucky was never a territory. It was part of Virginia until it became a state.

Photo by OtherThink

The U.S. House and Senate voted for Kentucky to become a state June 1, 1792.

Laws of Kentucky

  • You can't fish with a bow and arrow.
  • A woman can't buy a hat without her husbands approval.
  • Throwing eggs at a public speaker could result in prison time.
Photo by Hapshaw


State Bird
Photo by mau3ry

Gray Squirrel

State Wild Animal 
Photo by btrentler

victory butterfly

State Insect

kentucky bass

State Fish
Photo by rhosoi


State Flower
Photo by Vijay..

Tulip Tree

State Tree
Photo by Tatters ❀

famous people from kentuky

  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Jennifer Lawrence 
  • Josh Hutcherson
  • Muhammad Ali
  • Billy Ray Cyrus 
Photo by AP Imagery

Natural Resources

  • Coal
  • Lumber
  • Forestry
  • Fish
Photo by Marcus Vegas