Just a taste
Enlightened - to turn the light on, shed light on my sin, my need for God
Tasted the heavenly gift
- literally to taste, enjoy, eat, Acts 10:10; 20:11
- figuaratively - come to feel, to learn in one's own experiece
Shared in the Holy Spirit -
farmer sharing in the harvest 1 Cor 9:10
share or eat together on loaf of bread 1 Cor 10:17
Luke 5:7 when the boats were so full of fish they signaled their partners, fellow fishermen to come and help them
Tasted of the goodness of the Word of God
take in, internalize, digest......
same word as above
note the good word of God - lifegiving, wholesome, positive nature of the Scriptures
the powers of the age to come - the glimpses of God's power in healing for example,