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Published on Feb 06, 2016

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Peasants was the lowest class of the social pyramid. They where unskilled laborers. Peasants where actually very important people. Peasants had to grow food and graze the livestock. If their were not peasants,people would probably have to grow and graze their own food and animals. Peasants may have been poor but if all the people on the social pyramid got separated and put in the middle of nowhere the peasants would probably be the ones to survive. When they would plant the grain in October it would be fully grow next year at the end of September because of flooding season. Flooding season is from June to September. The peasants ate bread,onions,fish,cucumbers and drank beer and water. The peasants rarely ate meet because most of the meet would go to the upper classes. At the end of the end of harvest season was the best time of the year for peasants because, if the grain was good and well harvested the peasants would be able to take all the leftover grain they wanted. Some things the peasants did for fun was sing songs and take part in festaviles honoring Egyptian gods, and one last thing was men would play s river game where they would knock each other off rough papyrus rafts.



Thursday September 23, 1200BCE
Dear diary, I woke up to the sound of my annoying sister screaming at my mom. My brother was cooking breakfast for the family while my dad was
cultivating the fields. It is a hard time for my family right now. We are low on grain,papyrus,and fruit , and the worst part is it is almost tax day. We have to pay our taxes in food but I don't know how we are going to pay taxes without food. I for one do not want to get a beating again and ha e scars on my back for 2 years again. The last time we got a beating my cousin nearly died. I better go help my family go help graze livestock and sow seeds. I was walking out of my house as I saw a deer walking by and so many thoughts went through my head like should kill it, let it be free, what should I do? I let the deer be and I was almost to the field and I ran back home because I forgot my sickle, and how am I going to cut grain without my sickle?, silly me. I went back grabbed my sickle and ran back to the fields. I spent about 8 hours grazing cows and feeding sheep. I went back home with my family to eat dinner and went to bed.