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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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  • Drugs Name- Nicotine
  • Street Names- Found in cigarettes, cigars, the spit tobacco/chew & more.
  • Administered- To not schedule/smoke, chew, or what ever to do with a cigar.
  • Health Risk- Increases blood pressure and heart rate, chronic lungs disease, strokes, and more.
Photo by mugley


  • Drugs Name- Alcohol(ethyl alcohol)
  • Street Names- In liquor, beer, and wine.
  • Admistered- Not scheduled/ swallowed.
  • Health Risks- Nausea, sluned speech, emotional votatility, & more.


  • Drugs Names- Marijuana and Hashish.
  • Street Names- A blunt, dope, bud, hash, hemp, green, trees, & more.
  • Administered- For both of them it would be. I/smoked, swallowed.
  • Health Risks- Makes you relaxed, increased heart rate & appetite, anxiety, & more
Photo by Jack Spades


  • Drugs Names- Heroin & Opium.
  • Street Names- Dope, H, junk, white horse, black stuff, & more.
  • Administered- I/injected,smoke, snorted. & II,III, V/swallowed, smoked.
  • Heath Risks- dizziness, slow, feeling heaviness in the body, confusion, nausea, & more.
Photo by e_monk


  • Drugs Names- Cocaine, Amphetamine, & Methamphetamine.
  • Street Names- Coke, crack, rock, speed, uppers, bennies, meth, ice, & glass.
  • Administered- II/snorted,smoked, injected & II/swallowed, snorted, smoked, injected.
  • Health Risks- Increase heart rate, blood pressure, increase energy, anxiety, weight loss, & more
Photo by acidpix


  • Drugs Names- MDMA, Flunitrazepam, and GHB
  • Street Names- Lover's speed, upper, roofies, goop, liquid X, & more.
  • Administered- MDMA: I/swallow, snort, & inject. F: IV/swallow & snort. G: I/swallow.
  • Health Risks- M: increase tactile sensitivity, anxiety, chills, muscle crumping, & more
  • F: muscle relaxation, memory loss, dizziness, & more. G: nausea, memory loss, & more.
Photo by cruithne


  • Drugs Names- Ketamine, PCP, Salvia divinorum, & Detromethorphan(DXM)
  • Street Names- Vitamin K, angel dust, magic mint, found in some cold & cough medications, & more.
  • Administered- inject, snort, smoke. Swallow, smoke, inject. Not schedule/chew, swallow, smoke.
  • Health Risks- Nausea, dizziness, depression, slurred speech, & more.
Photo by sheila_blige


  • Drugs Name- LSD, Mescaline, & Psilocybin
  • Street Names- Yellow sunshine, buttons, magic mushrooms, & more.
  • Administered- Swallow, absorb through the mouths tissues, & smoke.
  • Health Risks- increase body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, flashbacks, nervousness, & more.
Photo by mikebroatch


  • Drugs Name- Anabolic steroids & Inhalants.
  • Street Names- Depo- Testosterone, solvents, & more.
  • Administered- injecting, swallow, applied to skin. Then inhale through nose or mouth.
  • Health Risks- Blood clotting, cholesterol changes, liver cysts, headache, wheezing/cramps, & more.
Photo by id-iom


  • Drugs Name- Oxycodone HCL
  • Street Names- Oxy, Oxycontin, percodan, O.C., Oxycet, hillbilly heroin, percs, & more.
  • Administered- Chew, swallow, snort, inject, & suppositories.
  • Health Risks- Relax your muscle, & twice as an potent analgesic as morphine; high abuse
Photo by wonder_al