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Published on Dec 25, 2015

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By: Leeyen A. Peralta

Popular Sovereignty
Popular Sovereignity is a government in which the people rule. As the nation changed and grew, popular sovereignity took the new meaning.

Photo by New Media MK

Republicanism is when the people exercise their power by voting for their representatives. It is the idea that citezens stay informed about politics N's participate in the process.

Federalism;also known as dual sovereignity; is a system of governemnt where power is divided between central and smaller political units.

Separation of Powers
This principle means that the power was divided into three branches: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. They did this to balance the power and not let it fall into the hands of one group.

Photo by cali.org

Checks and Balances
This principles states that all the branches exercise checks, or controls over the other branches. This is to help make sure they work fairly.

Photo by tallpomlin

Limited Governemnt
All citezens and powerful leaders must obey the law and cannot twist or bypass the law to serve thier own interests.

Photo by IslesPunkFan

Individual Rights
This allowed the people to have personal liberties and privileges. This means that the governemnt can't control what they say or do.