Omnipotence from the Latin Omnipotens BUT the Bible was written in Greek with the word PANTOKRATOR which translates as almighty. This means capacity for power rather than power to do everything.
It is logically possible for you to climb Everest it doesn't mean you have the power to do so. Likewise, omnipotence is about what is logically possible for God to do.
Aquinas- Omnipotence is about God's power being infinite and not limited.
Imagine a scientist who has studied chocolate for 20 years but has never eaten it. Does the scientist know more about the chocolate once he has tasted it?
God's knowledge is restricted by sensory experiences
He would know what would happen if you didnt pass your A levels, or won the lotto. This involves a range of scenarios. Is there such a thing as middle knowledge for God? Are the thousands of what ifs genuine facts or not?