Finding a Future Mother

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Finding a Future Mother

The wife for your children
Photo by CharlesFred

Genesis 24

Abraham is 140 years old

He has one son named Isaac who is now 40 years old and single

He is recently widowed.....having buried Sarah in the land of the Hittites.....among friends .....

Photo by -Piskami


Dad and old family friends
Dad is the one who says it is time for the boy to get a wife

The servant - probably Eliazar, goes looking, knows God has been in the search process

Eliazar has to travel miles to find the right people

Is warned specifically not to pick one from the


Or from Chaldea where he is from

But from his own clan

Granddaughter of my master's brother

Photo by ArtBrom


Trusting God to Lead
Servant had to actually get up and Go....

Because Abraham remembered the promise of God

Isaac was born when he was almost 100, and his wife was 90......

So he knew God was able.......Gen 17

And knew that it was through Isaac that the promise of God would be fulfilled Gen 21:11-12
Photo by wildxplorer


Approved by dad

Affirmed by friends and family

and by God......

Same cultural background

not from the Cananites

not from the land "where he came from"

do not "take him back" there

select from my own clan vs. 38

(Illus. similar family values.........)

Willingness to come vs. 47, 57

to submit to this stranger

to be engaged to a sranger

to leave her family and go to a strange land

to decide for herself......

Didn't hurt that she was




and get married that is.....


Addresses God as God vs. 12-14, 42-44

Asks for success in his task

Asks for he resulting kindness that will be towards the old man Abraham, who is a dear friend by this time, who is still a grieving widower, and concerned bout the future of his family and the fulfillment of God's promise

who was his business manager

literally entrusted with the future of Abraham's family - hand on my thigh oath

Asks for a specific scenario to unfold - and it does

When his prayer is answered.....vs. 26-27

He bows down and worships....

Who could make all this happen but God

Who has command of angels vs. 40 but God

Who could insure his promises are fulfilled like this ....but God

Who could lead me on the right road...vs. 48


Servant marks her as spoken for - engaged, betrothed etc.....

(Illus. bracelet and nose ring....meaning...)

Isaac is praying when the servant arrives - God is both preparing the husband and the wife...for this coming meeting

Isaac learned the story

God must be in this

Could see how the servant followed the Lord's leading

Notice what he does

He takes her into his home

Chooses to do life with her

(Illus. that Abraham knew that as long as mom was alive there would be no room for another woman in the house)

He puts her in the primary female voice in his life

He married Rebekah

He set the date and followed through

It is really cool to live together

She becomes something she wasn't before......a wife......

(Illus. living together never brings the possibility of the oneness that God has intended for a husband and a wife....a man and a woman....)

He chooses to love this woman he just pulled off a camel......

He is comforted as a result......
Photo by Duru...

Michael Cadrette

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