Cryptids:unknown supernatural beings and animals that have never been completely identified
Cryptids are a fascinating species all their own. Most are from legend,some have a chance of being real. And others are confirmed
- Bigfoot
- Jersey devil
- Chupacabra
- Lochness monster
- Mothman
The following presentation will focus on the five cryptids in the slide before, six confirmed former cryptids, and a list of other cryptids
The most compelling evidence of big foot is a picture of him supposedly walking along a creeks edge that will be shown now
Bigfoot has been sighted across America every where. Each state has a different version of Bigfoot from gi ape to bigfootascuatch
The legend is to be a man that was cursed to be a monster secluded from human civilization.
The jersey devil is a creature with a horse like head with horns, a goat body, a barbed tail, and dragon like wings. He is the least sighted cryptids. But he was still sighted.
He can be seen on the right chasing a deer across a swing set. The owner of the camera said he had heard the legends but didn't believe until now
The legend of the jersey devil is a fascinating one. A woman who had 12 other children was pregnant again so she cursed her child to never come out. however she bore her child and it came out a demon and flew up the chimney and into the woods and has never been seen by human eyes
There are many theories about the elusive chupacabra and it's appearance. Some say that he has an alien head with sharp spines and razor claws. Others say that its a long faced wolf with a barbed tail. A sighting was recorded on a police dashboard camera
No one knows the legend of the chupacabra but we do know its behavior. It is described to be a vampire wolf because it's sucks the blood out of its prey. A woman once found what she claims is a dead chupacabra and keeps the remains in a ice chest
The loch ness monster is believed to be a plesiosaurus that out lived its species. There are many legends of sea monster but this is the most famous. The most famous sighting is by a doctor from loch ness
This image is considered a hoax but many believe that the picture wasn't faked
A long time ago a priest was minding his business when he heard a loud roar coming from the loch. He went to investigate and saw a creature of large size. He cursed the beast and it swam off into the loch and wasn't seen again till the late 50s
The mothman is a monster that is seen mostly around point pleasant, West Virginia. People say the mothman shows a bad omen when sighted. These are the most famous sightings.
Most sighting happen before tragedy strikes point pleasant. He was first sighted the same day the point pleasant bridge collapsed and 46 people died
All of these cryptids have not been confirmed but have been taken seriously every sighting since. Maybe there are cryptids maybe not. Maybe they don't want to be found.even though some have
These animals have finally been studied and are now regular phenomenon. They are no longer rare but still unique
- Ogopogo
- Thunderbird
- Skinwalker
- Mermaid
- Rods
- Wolpertinger
- Mongolian death worm
- The Flat woods monster
- Lusca
- Ahool
Human knowledge of whats out there is scarce but if we knew everything we could never let our imagination run free. We could never ask "what if?" If we knew every thing we couldn't wonder.
Cryptids may never be found but it doesn't matter. To them maybe we are Cryptids. Maybe we are alien to them. Wonder is the best feeling you can have.