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Jacque Marquette

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Jacques Marquette

Avery Sullivan 5th Grade
Photo by Mulad

Background Information

Jacques Marquette was born in Loan New France June 1st 1637, and died on May 18, 1687 in Michigan.

Early Life

Jacques Marquette was a Jesuit missionary, meaning he set up churches and religion posts for the Jesuit. He was also a priest for several years.

Photo by Kirt Edblom

Interesting Facts About Jacques And His Voyages

Native Americans originally named the Mississippi River, it was "Messippi" meaning great body of water, the name evolved over the years. On his voyage a friendly Native American chief lent Jacques his ten year old son to guide the voyage to the Mississippi.

Sponsor And Motives

Jacques Marquette sailed for New France. His motive was to set up Jesuit churches in the new world. But after Native Americans told him of a large water route, he became interested. So that was his new goal, to map the Mississippi River.


Sent to the new world in 1673 Jacques Marquette, started his journey in Montrèal Canada. From there Jacques went through Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Montana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, and New Orleans, in order to map the Mississippi River.


Jacques Marquette was the first european to travel and map the Mississippi. He set up two Jesuit posts before arriving, and many more along the Mississippi River. The main thing he accomplished was reaching his goal and mapping the Mississippi River.


Jacques Marquette impacted the world in many ways, the two most remembered and most valued impacts were the amazing maps of the Mississippi River, and the growth in the Jesuit religion. The maps helped others to further explore the Mississippi. The growth in the Jesuit religion helped New France, by expanding their beliefs to different people.

Photo by Maggie T


  • The Columbian Encyclopedia, Jacques Marquette 
  • Scott Fetzer Company, World Book M 13
  • Biography.com
  • The French Explorers Of America, by: Walter Buehr 
  • PBS.org\American Experience
Photo by aranarth