If your product or service has a female target, you might want to approach the branding challenge in a different way. Here are 8 reasons why womens' brains make them approach branding in a different way.
#1 Women can use both sides of their brains at once
The female brain has four times as many neurons connecting the right and the left brain, which means she rapidly processes information through both rational and emotional filters (unlike men who most often use one side or the other to process information). So you can be more complex in your branding if your target market is women—they’ll figure it out and appreciate the fact that you let them do so!
Another benefit of the superior connection between hemispheres is that women are better multitaskers. Therefore, you can include both rational and emotional appeals in your marketing efforts. Engage both sides of the female brain—she can handle it!
Women have slightly larger prefrontal cortexes than men, after adjusting for relative size differences. The prefrontal cortex is the “center of reason” and enables women to not rush to judgment but rather take a step back and evaluate before jumping to action. This means that women are more able to look at the big picture and evaluate the situation before making purchasing decisions.
Women have about 11% more neurons in the language centers of the brain than men do. This means they will be able to handle branding that is more subtle. Trust that women will figure it out, because they will and will respect you for not "dumbing it down."
Women have greater capacity for processing emotional information. In fact, Louann Brizendine, MD, author of The Female Brain, said “Women have an eight-lane superhighway for processing emotion, while men have a small country road.” Emotional branding will ring true with women.
Women are exceptional at empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Empathy involves the “mirror-neuron system” of the brain, and research has shown that women have a much larger and more integrated mirror-neuron system than men. Women excel at the ability to “feel” events as if they are in someone else’s shoes. The impact on your branding is that you must be authentic when targeting female audiences because they will be able to detect an imposter from miles away. Be honest. Be truthful. Be relevant.
Women excel at using their whole brains, so you should consider the use of multi-sensory approaches in your marketing. Pay attention to the look, feel, and tonality of your branding and marketing materials—and don’t forget to include an emotional component.
Finally, please do not use traditional “calls to action” with women. Messaging such as “Don’t let this one get away” or “Call now!” will fly right by women. Women appreciate the nuances and so you can and should be more subtle in your approach. While men might be motivated by the idea of the deal getting away, women are more comfortable in stepping back and analyzing the entire buying process. When they do that, they realize that they always have options. If your deal goes away it is highly likely that another deal is just around the corner.