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Copy of Top Ten List- Excretory System

Published on Dec 17, 2015


Asha and Ayanna

Carbon dioxide, is related to the lungs. The blood stream
(red blood cells) is responsible for getting rid of it. Co2 is a colorless, odorless gas,present in the atmosphere, and formed during respiration.

Saliva, is a watery fluid, secreted in the mouth by the salivary glands, that functions in the tasting, chewing, and swallowing of food.

Sweat, is related to the skin. Ammonia gets rid of the sweat, from the sweat glad onto the surface of of your skin as air moves across as the air moves across your skin the sweat evaporates and cools off your body. Sweat is when your body produce heat and you start to moisten.

Urine, is related to the bladder. And the kidneys get rid of it. Urine is the leftover waste after the blood has been filtered.

earwax, the protective waxy substance secreted in the passage of the outer ear.

Snot, is related to the nostrils. Snots are nasal mucus.

Fart, is related to your stomach because when your finish eating, gases get mixed up. Fart is gas from the anus.

Eye gunk, is eye mucus that comes from the eye.

Vomit, is related to the urinary system instead of coming out of the rectum it comes out the mouth when your food don't digest it.

Feces, is related to the digestive system. Feces is wasted discharged from the bowels after food has been digested.