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Sole Trader

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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Sole Trader

A business owned and run by one person
Photo by Kake Pugh


A business owned and run by between 2-20 partners (unlimited liability)
Photo by LollyKnit

Private Limited Company

Sells shares to family and friends, limited liability
Photo by Remy Snippe

Public Limited Company

Sells shares on stock exchange, limited liability, publishes accounts


 Selling the right to use a brand name and operating format


Anyone with an interest in a business
Photo by 4nitsirk

Unlimited liability

Where personal possessions are at risk

Limited Liability

Where the shareholders can only lose the amount they have invested

Job Production

Specialized, one-off products, skilled labour
Photo by wbeem

Batch Production

Items produced in batches, more efficient, can produce more
Photo by djwtwo

Flow/Mass production

Items produced on a mass scale, can benefit from economies of scale
Flow production is...

Marketing Mix

Price, Product, Place, Promotion
Photo by elmada