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Alfred Mahan

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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Alfred Mahan

By: De'Ante Booker

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  • born: September 27th, 1840
  • in West Point, New York
  • Father was professor at the U.S Military Academy

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  • As a kid, went to West Point..
  • ..until being sent to a boarding school in Maryland 
  • Attended Columbia College for two years..
  • then attended the Naval Academy against parents will
  • graduated 2nd out of 20 people in 1859

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  • assigned to the frigate Congress from 1859 to 1861
  • he ranked up to Lieutenant during the Civil War..
  • he participated in the attack on Port Royal
  • Joined Navy in 1861

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  • during a cruise around 1862, he wrote a letter to the Assistant Secretary..
  • of the Navy suggesting that a ship should be known as a mystery ship.. 
  • to decoy Confederate blockade runners.
  • which are seagoing steam ships that made their way through the Union blocka
  • that extended to around 3,500 miles

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  • promoted to Lieutenant Commander in 1865
  • then Commander in 1872
  • and then captain in in 1885 

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  • he became a lecturer at Naval Academy in 1885
  • he defined sea power as the ability of a nation to control movement..
  • across the sea.
  • became a lecturer in naval history at Naval Academy in 1885
  • President of NA convinced Mahan to continue his literary career from studie

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  • later on became President of NA twice..
  • 1886-1889, 1892-1893
  • retired from Navy in 1896..
  • to continue literary career

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  • later on became President of NA twice..
  • 1886-1889, 1892-1893
  • retired from Navy in 1896..
  • to continue literary career

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  • his most known book is..
  • The Influence of Sea Power upon History
  • which was also his last book..
  • died December 1st, 1914
  • book published after death: 1918