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Dutch Fork

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Photo by cayoup

✏️Author: Takia Mobley

📷Photographer: Takia Mobley

Got an A on the project: Takia Mobley😏😜

"Um, hey you look lost. Do you need help?"

"Oh your from New York? That's cool, I've never been there."

"Am I a weirdo?"

"Why yes I am, are you?"

"You are? Great!! Let's get ta goin!"

Photo by Werner Kunz

"Okay, so our first stop is the bathrooms."

"Yes I know your wondering why I am showing you

"Well... My first day of high school I was so nervous I went into the boys bathroom."

"Yes, I know. That was embarrassing!"

"The worst part was this guy was watching me the whole time and didn't say anything!"…

Photo by jannemei

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"Next you have the commons."

"This is where everyone goes in the mornings to hang out or between class."

"If I were you I would not come here to often."

"Because if you stand around talking to your friends you will be late for class."

"Soo your best bet is to just wait until lunch to walk."

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"This next place was my home in my freshman year."

"Detention gosh jimmied cricket."

"A good way to avoid this place is to just follow the rules."

"Get to class on time, wear your I.D at ALL times, and be respectful to the teachers even if some of them are just plain weird."

"Trust me, it will save you a lot of trouble."

Photo by jrmyst

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"Okay please don't tell me your one of those, "oh my lert if I don't have my phone I'm going to melt" type of kids."

"Okay good, because teachers at Dutch are really serious about cell phones during instruction."

"It's best to just have it off if your not in the commons."

"A teacher took my phone once because it started ringing in class, and I was even in th…uuuuu

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Photo by Editor B

"Okay so here is the bus loop."

"This is where you go to make it home."

"Now I would really suggest you get your license and a parking pass ASAP because it tends to get a little ratchet out here."

"Make sure you are paying attention because the bus WILL leave you"

Photo by ernestkoe


Photo by tncountryfan