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Published on Apr 18, 2016

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A system of racial segregation in South Africa enforced through legislation by the National Party (NP), the governing party from 1948 to 1994.


How Mandela helped?

  • he was a leader of peaceful protests and armed resistance against the white minority’s oppressive regime in a racially divided South Africa.
  • 1994 became the first black president of South Africa, forming a multi-ethnic government to oversee the country’s transition.
  • Never gave up on his people was willing to sacrifice himself for their freedom.
  • Leader of peaceful protests
  • ANC

F.W De Klerk

How F.W helped?

  • He worked with Nelson Mandela to successfully end the country's apartheid system of racial segregation.

Oliver Tambo

How Oliver Helped?

  • Anti-Apartheid political party
  • Opened first black law firm
  • Serve in exile
  • Had same beliefs as Mandala
  • Opens the first black law partnership in South Africa with Mandela


Helped them get to where they wanted with the help of whites as well fighting for their rights and also bending the rules


Encouraged people to keep on fighting for their freedom and to never give up on themselves right and country.

3 methods that helped end apartheid

  • ANC Military action
  • Divestment
  • Peaceful protest


  • "The Republic of South Africa's governing social democratic political party, supported by its Tripartite Alliance with the Congress of South African Trade Unions and the South African Communist Party since the establishment of multi-racial democracy in April 1994."
  • The ANC declared its aim to bring all Africans together as one people to defend their rights and freedoms.
  • Increased attacks on the rights of black people.
  • ANC`s policy of non-racialism.


  • "A policy of withdrawing all foreign Investments from business that operated in SA to take financial power away from government."
  • Non-Segregation of the races
  • Equal and fair employment
  • Equal pay for all

Peaceful Protest

  • Naked protest parade
  • Flag burning
  • Symbolic clothing
  • Marching without permits
  • "Run for Peace"