-the key to freezing food is to make sure it's absolutely fresh, then you freeze it as quickly as possible and you keep it at a proper frozen temperature
Methods of freezing (air freezing, air blast freezing, fluidized bed freezing, plate freezing etc.)
-prevents the growth of bacteria by removing water from the food/dehydrating the food
Some of the ways to dry food (sun drying, Freeze drying, oven drying, microwave drying, Bed drying, household ovens etc.)
Microwave Drying
-quick way to dry small quantities of herbs and some leaf vegetables
-place no more than 4 or 5 herb branches between two paper towels and microwave for 2 to 3 minutes.
-remove the herbs, when cool, check to see if they are dry and brittle. If not, repeat drying for 30-second intervals until dry.
Dried shrimp – are shrimp that have been sun-dried and shrunk. They are used in many Asian cuisines, imparting a unique umami taste.
-method of food preservation by lowering the temperature to inhibit microorganism growth
-this method has been used for centuries in cold regions
-you can freeze most fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, bread, cakes etc.