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- The Shorthorn breed of cattle originated in the North East of England in the late 18th century. be
The breed was popular to Americas earlier settlers,the breed was recognized because of its ability to adapt,
- The shorthorn is either red or red with white
- White or roan
Differences between breeds were not significant for behaviour entering the scales. Hereford scores for entering the crush were significantly higher (worse) than scores for Angus and Shorthorns, but difference between Angus and Shorthorn scores were not significant. Breed differences for entering the bail were in the same direction as those for entering the crush, but in this case Hereford were only significantly higher (worse) than Shorthorns. Differences between sexes or between horned and hornless animals were not significant for any of these scores.
The deposition of fat in the double-muscled Belgian Blue bulls remained substantially inferior to that of the other breeds, up to the age of 24 mo. Marbling in German Angus bulls particularly showed larger (P