The Lumholtz tree Kangaroo has a short stocky body with an extremely long tail which it uses for balance, not as an extra limb to grab branches or to hold onto
Their fur color can range from black, brown or tan.
They have short rounded ears.
Males are bigger than females.
Because of the brown ring around there face, it leaves a black cone around there nose that looks like a mask.
The animal is found in patches of Queensland rainforest.
The Lumholtz tree kangaroo is nocturnal moving around and eating at night time.
It usually only moves amongst the treetops, but does come to the ground when it moves between trees to far apart to jump to.
During daylight it sleeps with its head between its legs wedged in a tree.
The Lumholtz tree kangaroo is a vegetarian, it eats leaves and fruits found high in the rainforest canopy.
The females only have one young at a time, at any time of the year.
Tree Kangaroos are listed as Endangered due to loss of habitat because of logging.