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Change Over Time Vocabulary

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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Change Over Time Vocabulary

By Angel Smith


  • A group of physically similar organisms that can
  • mate and create offspring that can also do the same

Scientific Theory

  • an explanation about some aspect of nature that
  • has been confirmed through eperitmenting, facts,
  • and creating observations
  • The Big Bang is an example of a theory.

Branching Tree

  • a diagram that shows how scientists
  • believe differing organisms are related

Relative Dating

  • a technique that determines which fossil is older

Fossil Record

  • all of the fossils scientists have collected


  • perserved traces or remains of an
  • organism that lived in the past

Natural Selection

  • a process where organisms that have adapted
  • better to their environment are more likely to reproduce
  • and live in comparison to others in the same species

Petrified Fossil

  • when minerals replace all or some of
  • an organism and create a fossil

Radioactive Dating

  • a technique used to determine the age of a fossil
  • based on how many radioactive elements it contains


  • dissapearance of a whole species on Earth
  • The saber tooth cat is an extinct animal.


  • a behavior or physical charasteristic
  • that allows an organism to survive and/or
  • reproduce in its environment


  • any difference between organisms
  • in the same species


  • a fossil form when a hard part of an orgaism
  • dissolves and leaves an empty space in the
  • shape of the part

Radioactive Element

  • an unstable element that breaks down
  • into a different element
  • Uranium is a radioactive element.


  • theory that evolution occurs slowly but steadliy


  • gradual change in a species over time

Homologous Structures

  • body parts that are similar between
  • differing species that provide evidence
  • for evolution


  • a fossil that forms when minerals
  • fill a fossil and then hardens


  • the time it takes for half of the atoms
  • in a radioactive element to decay

Punctuated Equilibria

  • a theory that states species evolve during
  • short periods of rapid change
  • Gradualism (Left) vs. Punctuated Equilibrium (Right)