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Irish and German immigration during the 1800's greatly influenced America socially and politically as it brought a diversity of cultures and ideas.

Irish and German immigration during the 1800's altered the course of American history socially and politically.

Photo by Jim Rees


Poor Irish immigrants flocked to large cities such as New York City, and slums became a part of city life.

Photo by .and+

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The potato famine drove Irish out of their homes. Some 2 million starved to death and were often found laying on the streets dead with grass in their mouths.

Photo by Claudio.Ar

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The Irish were extremely discriminated against. Americans despised them for threatening their jobs. Their social class was as low as blacks. Many businesses refused to hire an Irish immigrant.

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The Irish Catholic faith was deemed politically incorrect. Many riots broke out because of it. Churches were burned and many were killed.

Photo by marcp_dmoz

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German immigrants came due to oppressive government and crop failure. They adapted well to life in America and became respected. They possessed several American qualities such as anti slavery and industrialization.

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German immigrants were considered an asset to society. They brought along many traditions such as popularizing the Christmas tree and beer drinking.

Photo by Mukumbura

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German immigrants came to America to discover a better social and political life. They were exposed to democracy and a variety of jobs.

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Immigration has been vital to our development as a society both politically and socially. Industries and cities benefited from the diversity immigration has brought.


  • Many Irish immigrants who could find employment were subject to dangerous jobs
  • Many died in railroad explosions and other occupational hazards
  • Germany was often over crowded which led to immigration
  • Germans were able to obtain cheap land in the west
  • Aquired more wealth and political and social standings than Irish, who were as low socially as blacks

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  • Many Germans were cuktured and well educated
  • Introduced rifles to many Americans
  • Drinking habits caused some controversy
  • Catholic faith was also frowned upon
  • Seperate schools were often opened for Catholic German children

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  • Order of the Star Spangled Banner fought against invasive immigrants
  • They advocated deportation
  • Wrote disturbing, false literature such as Awful Disclosures
  • Told horrid stories of how the immigrants treated their own people
  • America quickly became the most diverse nation in the world, despite efforts to keep borders closed

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  • Immigrants fought back politcally
  • Carl Schurz was valued for lolitical activity involving abolition
  • Others like him made contribution to art and music
  • Added cultivation to American schools
  • Even after all this cultivation, "Americans must rule America" was popular