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My Virtual Resume

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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My Virtual Resume

By selma Lachemi

About Me

  • I am going to grade 10 in September and i am 15 years old.
  • I go to Stephen Lewis Secondary school and I take all academic classes.
  • I really enjoy working with people especially kids.
  • I volunteer a lot and have over 100 volunteer hours.
  • If I get this it will be my first job.
Photo by blmiers2


  • If I set a goal for myself I always either exceed it or meet my goal.
  •  I have good time management skills. 
  • I am organized and I take pride in excelling at my work. 
  • I always put myself in other peoples shoes to feel what others are feeling.
  • I enjoy helping others even if it might not benefit me.
Photo by atlnav


  • People Pleaser because I always go that extra mile to help.
  • Self Critic because I am very critical of my own work.
  • Giving my self a break because I always want everything done at once.
  • Trust people easily.
  • Not satified until I finish my job on time.
Photo by harold.lloyd

My hobbies

  • I enjoy baking from time to time.
  • I always have to have a book in my hand.
  • I also enjoy sports like soccer and basketball.
  • I love to bike whenever I can.
  • I love to voluneer at places.

my interests

  • I have an interest in sports.
  • I love to read books, magazines, and the news.
  • I am interested in current events.
  • I am very interested in art.
  • I am interested in helping others who are in need.
Photo by Daniel Y. Go


  • If I were to get a job I would work very hard.
  • I would not take the job for granted or waste time.
  • I would do everything that I am to do and I will always listen.
  • I will always think about costumers because there needs are first.
  • I will always spend my time wisely.

my dream job

  • My dream job is to be either a lawyer or a teacher
  • I would like to be a lawyer because I want to fight justice.
  • I would also like to be a teacher because I love helping others.
  • Hopefully i will pick one job in the future.
  • Both would be such great opportunities.
Photo by Knight725

My Pathway

  • My dream is to complete high school and to get my diploma.
  • I want to get into a university of my choice and to graduate.
  • After i get my bachelor i would like to apply for a new job.
  • After i get my dream job i would like to continue my life.
  • Start a faimly after everything is done.
Photo by Nataraj Metz

Industry connection to hobby

  • One of my hobbies is that I like to volunteer. and that ties to 
  • work because its the same you just don't get paid.
  • I love to bake so i can get a job as a baker .
  • I love to read so i can become a publicist or an author.
Photo by AbhijeetRane

Thank you

Have a nice day