Apprentice A person under a legal agreement to for a specific time to learn a craft or skill from a master craftsman. Most apprentices were 10 - 18 year old boy.
Broadside A large sheet of paper, printed on one side and used to publicly advertise, announce, or offer political opinions during the late Colonial period.
Loyalist/Tory An American who did not support revolution against Great Britain and was loyal to King George the third. About 1/3 of all American Colonist during the Revolution were loyalist.
Smallpox Deadly and very contagious measles-like disease that killed or permanently scarred many people during the eighteenth century. Many soldiers were inoculated against smallpox.
Tavern An inn or meeting place that offered lodging and sold food and drinks to both travelers and regular customers Colonial era. Many political discussions and plans were debated at taverns.