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Roman Republic Vs. US Government

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Roman Republic Vs. US Government

Photo by vgm8383

What Is a Citizen?

Photo by theqspeaks

In Roman republic, a citizen is any...

Man or women such as plebeians, but only men could vote.

In the US Government, a citizen is...

Anyone born in the US, or someone who passes the Citizen test.


They used to flip a coin to see who was leader. 

The Us would...

Just do it by voting and be boring and long.

Making Laws

The US has the Constitution, which states the laws.
Photo by space_monkey


Would use the 12 tables of Rome.
Photo by Xerones


Romans would have an emperor, who had all power.
Photo by mharrsch

American leaders

US leaders have vice-presidents. They also have three different branches. 
Photo by cpence

The end

By: Luke Song
Photo by Tc Morgan