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Inspiration Deck

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Wisdom from many places
Photo by Nick White


Is what you feel...

The spiritual life is a life beyond moods
We choose joy and do not allow ourselves to become victims to passing feelings such as happiness or depression
Henri Nouwen

Photo by Pilottage

There are no principles; there are only events. There is no good and bad, there are only circumstances. The superior man espouses events and circumstances in order to guide them

Humor helps in dealing with that constant inner critic... “Angels fly because they take themselves lightly,”

As Confucius commented long ago, ‘The best leader is easy to serve and difficult to please.’

Photo by entertailion

“A good leader must be tough enough to win a fight, but not tough enough to kick a man when he is down.”

Photo by Mukumbura

Free Radicals want to take their careers into their own hands and put the world to work for them. Free Radicals are resilient, self-reliant, and extremely potent.

Photo by kevin dooley

“Opportunity is missed by most people, because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” - Thomas A. Edison

Photo by [Duncan]